The EAFC 24 Ultimate Team Guide - Running Styles - AcceleRATE 2.0!

The EAFC 24 Ultimate Team Guide - Running Styles - AcceleRATE 2.0!

We saw how FIFA 23 implemented running styles and which ones proved to be Meta. Lengthy players were incredibly annoying due to their insane strength coupled with usually incredible pace. However, EAFC has now introduced Accelerate 2.0 which expanded on the original 3 Running Styles to now include 7 Running Styles.

What are the new Running Styles?

EAFC 24 has evolved AcceleRATE to now include a total of 7 Running Styles;

  • Lengthy

  • Mostly Lengthy - New!

  • Controlled Lengthy - New!

  • Controlled

  • Controlled Explosive - New!

  • Mostly Explosive - New!

  • Explosive

How will this affect Ultimate Team?

The new running styles add an additional layer of complexity to Chemistry Styles. A Chemistry style may change a player's running style to one you don't exactly like, so I feel that this game might be the first where we a wider use of chemistry styles, as opposed to just seeing Hunters and Shadows,

It is difficult to say which running styles will be most effective as EA have been known to tweak mechanics year by year, I would like to see Explosive become more useable. It is annoying when a Gold Vinicius Junior with 95 pace is being caught up with an 81 Pace gold Varane. All because of the difference between Lengthy and Explosive.

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