The Call Of Duty Blog

MWIII - Campaign Premiere - A Must-Watch!

MWIII - Campaign Premiere - A Must-Watch!

The campaign for the original Modern Warfare series was one of the finest stories told across any game genre. The reboot has not yet reached the heights of original, but...

MWIII - Campaign Premiere - A Must-Watch!

The campaign for the original Modern Warfare series was one of the finest stories told across any game genre. The reboot has not yet reached the heights of original, but...

MWIII - The Return of slide cancelling?

MWIII - The Return of slide cancelling?

Is slide cancelling coming back. Has Call of Duty finally listening to our complaints and bought it back? Modern Warfare 3 looks more promising by the day. We all miss...

MWIII - The Return of slide cancelling?

Is slide cancelling coming back. Has Call of Duty finally listening to our complaints and bought it back? Modern Warfare 3 looks more promising by the day. We all miss...